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The achievement of the test showed that the treatment was successful because the result of the second cycle was higher the first cycle test. The result of the test showed that the students' mean score in the prleiminary study test was 57,2, in cycle I was 66,95 and cycle II was 74,1. The using of written test aimed to measure the students' ability in writing and the using of questionaire was to know the students' respond in learning process using cooperative script method. The researcher usedwritten test and questionaire in collecting data. This research conducted in two cycles and there were two meeting in each cycle. In this research, the researcher conducted a classroom action research as the method. The objectives of this research were to find out improving students writing ability through cooperative script and also to find out respondin using cooperative script method. Besides, the finding indicated that NHT technique was effective in enhancing the students' participation, especially in raising their hands to answer the questions during the answer-checking session. The improvement could be seen from the increase of students' mean reading score from 51,00% in the preliminary study, and 65,00% in the first test, to 80,33% in the second test.

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Furthermore, the finding also indicated that NHT technique was successful in improving students' reading ability. Each cycle of the study encompassed two meetings of technique implementation and one meeting for the test. This study was conducted in two cycles by following the procedures of the action research, planning, and acting, observing, and reflecting.

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The subjects of this study were students (Class XI IPA) of SMA Negeri Wawalesi, South Buru of 2016/2017 academic year. This research constitutes a classroom action research designed to improve the students' reading ability through Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique.

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